Not-for-profit organisations are under pressure to take on more responsibilities while competing for scarce funding, donations, and supporters. At the same time, the burden of statutory reporting is increasing. By helping to maintain a lean finance & administration operation, Exchequer keeps day-to-day running costs down, provides far greater visibility for all stakeholders and users, and frees resources to fulfil the organisation’s mission.

Exchequer automates the essential tasks involved in managing revenue streams, monitoring overheads and generating accounts and management reports, across extensive entities, projects, funding centres, and stakeholders in multiple currencies if required. Solid information replaces best guess.

An integrated suite of modules

To the core Exchequer system, charities, not-for-profits, not-just-for-profits and social enterprises can add :

  • Sales & Purchase Order Processing and approval workflows
  • Extensive seamless local, internal and external Management Reporting
  • Commitment Accounting
  • Project Costing
  • CRM

Clients already using Exchequer range from local and international charities of all sizes, government departments, respite homes, unions, medical bodies, accountancy bodies, membership organisations, care trusts, semi-state bodies and associated service providers.

Like them, your organisation could become equipped to ...

  • Strengthen corporate governance with on-demand access for non-accounting managers and trustees with detailed financial information in meaningful formats such as management dashboards.
  • Analyse and evaluate specific projects activities or campaigns, viewing the big picture or drill down to the detail to understand how to allocate scarce resources for greatest impact.
  • Achieve measurable savings in time, effort and costs – administration is minimised and no time is lost in accessing information on which to base project funding decisions.
  • Comply with statutory obligations – statutory reports can be rapidly produced.
  • Prepare for external scrutiny with confidence with the depth of financial detail required by the industry’s regulators and stakeholders.
  • Implement streamlined transaction approval workflows with a myriad of potential approval workflows to suit all organisational complexities.
  • Link their Exchequer system to third-party systems, such as membership systems, to further integrate their data.


What our clients say