Whether it is welcoming new customers, cross-selling or turning prospective clients into committed customers, email marketing has become an essential component in your marketing toolkit.

Email marketing software for Exchequer gives you everything you need to plan, design and edit, preview and test, spam test, and analyse your email campaigns. It helps you to maintain a dialogue with your target audience once they have opened and clicked through on an email.

Complements your CRM system

Conversely, you can use the data stored on your CRM system to ensure your email campaigns are targeted at the most receptive audience with the messaging they want to hear.

End-to-end support for your email marketing strategy

From designing your email to capitalising on the results, your email software will support you every step of the way :

  • Flexible, simple email design and editing
    • Create designs that work and comply with best practice guidelines, as well as ensuring maximum deliverability through spam filter compliance.
    • Use dynamic content to personalise emails, based on the recipient’s preferences and/or sales history pulled in from Exchequer.
  • Ensures the highest deliverability rates
    • Preview your emails across different email clients, and check your email's spam filter score.
    • Split test your eshots to optimise for the highest number of responses and conversion.
    • ‘Bounce management’ helps you to understand the reasons for undelivered email, improve data quality and eliminate invalid addresses from future campaigns.
  • Integration to Google Analytics allows full tracking beyond the click, including
    • Pages viewed.
    • Survey responses.
    • Actions on your site that may directly lead to a sale.
  • Reporting on campaign results
    • Analyse your return on investment in email marketing.
    • Learn more about your audience and use this insight when planning future campaigns.

Developed by ProspectSoft, eCommerce software for Exchequer is fully implemented and supported by Exchequer Business Management Solutions throughout Ireland.


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